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Orange Coast Magazine's new food blog.

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Congrats to Furey and the Feast's Cynthia Furey on her new gig as Orange Coast Magazine's food blogger with "Taste of Orange County"! I love her posts and her photography (they make me inspired and hungry, which are two things every food blog should strive for) - I wish her the best of luck at her new endeavor!

More: Check out OC Weekly's little write-up on her, too!

What I'm reading

Fairly randomly, I ran across the group food blog Accidental Hedonist, and now I'm hooked. Well written, great photos, and topics ranging from beer to food tech to fine dining.

Nancy Luna's Fast Food Maven blog now has a dedicated Facebook page (Nancy was using her personal account for FFM stuff before). Be her friend.

Check out this wholly amazing S'more cupcake from Furey and the Feast. It's a work of art.

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